Hello, Everyone.
I have talked with a number of you about attending this event. If you haven’t figured it out, I am excited about it, which is the reason I wrote the postings on Rocket Building and have been dusting off some of my old Estes rockets (these are store-bought and they almost always work).
I hope everyone is able to attend. All the information I have at the moment is posted below. I will put more on here as I learn more and/or find things we need to know.
Hope to see everyone there!
WHAT: The Muskegon Michigan Area Rocket Club (M.M.A.R.) will host the National Rocketry Contest here at the Wastewater facility. This is a week long event that goes from Saturday, July 28th through Friday, August 3rd. They said the “sport launchings” will begin on Saturday and go throughout the week. The “competition launchings” will be Monday through Friday. The competition flight hours will be from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm. There will be rocketeers from across the country. This is a great opportunity for families to see some exciting rocketry. I was also told Mr. Estes (of Estes Model Rocket company fame) will be attending. For full details on this event, visit the National Association of Rocketry Annual Meet Website: http://www.naram.org/ The National Association of Rocketry’s main website is: http://www.nar.org
OUTING: I am organizing a group outing for everyone interested in attending this event. I talked with the President of the local club, and he suggested Wednesday, August 1st would be a really good day because, among other things, they are holding the G-Force Egg Launches. The winners have to demonstrate the egg they launched was not broken either on the way up or the way down.
WHO IS INVITED: Everyone is invited! If you didn’t get an email from me, please excuse the oversight. You are invited anyway! Please fill out a comment form below to tell us you are coming and any other details you want to add. Hope to see you there!
WHEN: Wednesday, August 1st beginning at 10 AM. The events end for the day at 4 PM. My recommendation is to rendezvous at the entrance at 10:00 AM. They expect around 150 contestants plus visitors and other club members, so it shouldn’t be a big crowd.
COORDINATION: I will be out of town from July 24-31, but I have access to email and cell phone. We can also communicate with the postings below to let everyone know who is coming and any special arrangements.
ADMISSION: Admission is free to anyone who wants to watch. If you want to launch rockets while you are there, there is a $25 charge (and you have to bring your own rocket).
WHAT TO BRING: Come as you are! If you have a rocket, bring it. I have some Estes rockets I built a few years ago that I plan to bring. Vendors will be on hand for motors. Experienced rocketeers will be available to assist with launching. The club provides launch equipment. I am going to bring a couple foldable chairs and a cooler with some pop and some muchies and stuff.
WHERE: The event is held at the Muskegon Wastewater Facility
DIRECTIONS: From Muskegon intersection of US 31 and M-46 (Apple Avenue) go east 6.9 miles to Maple Island Road and turn left (north) to go 2.2 miles to entrance of the Wastewater Facility road. Turn right (east) and go 2 miles to the launch site entrance on the right. The club MMAR sign will be there. GSP site coordinates: N43 degrees 15′ 44.4″, W 86 degrees 0159″ 4′
I talked with Phil Tardani (our resident rocket scientist) and Jim Schaaf who both said they are interested in attending. Dad (Walt) and I will both be there also.
I am going to bring some Estes rockets I built a few years ago from kits. I haven’t launched these for a long time, but it was a lot of fun when I did.
Please use this Reply form to let us know if you can make it. Email me or contact me with any questions.
Looking forward to observing the activities, especially your proposed lauch.
Sounds like a lot of fun. I noticed that you did not say you were bringing adult beverages. good idea not to. I plan on attending.
Sounds great!! Wish I could be there. I’ll be in town later in August, perhaps an adult beverage would be in order?
Ken and I plan to attend
It was fun to see those big rockets roaring up into the sky. And not many misfires that headed our way.
I had a chance to meet Mr. & Mrs. Estes a little later in the day. He said his rocketry company really started out as a supplier to a fireworks manufacturer. He invented a big machine to mass produce the thrusters for them. But he had so much excess capacity that he decided to add another product line for rockets. Smart guy.
I met two people who were attending their 50th event this year. Apparently the National Rocketry Association has had 53 annual events. If I had known about them, I might not have had to mix up my own rocket fuel in the basement. Of course, what is the fun in that?
Thanks, everyone, for coming!